Why You Need a Halloween Safety Refresher Course

It is official, trick-or-treating is back on for Halloween 2021. Last year, many communities canceled their festivities due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, health officials nationwide and locally here in Harris County say it is okay for kids to trick-or-treat this year. This is great news, but do you remember the Halloween safety measures your child will need to stay safe?

Here at The Law Office of Daniel D. Horowitz, III PC, we want to help keep your family safe. We have put together this fast Halloween safety refresher course to help prevent injuries this Halloween.

A Refresher Course on Halloween Safety

Did you realize that Halloween is actually a pretty dangerous holiday for kids? Youth pedestrian fatalities can double during Halloween, and drunk driving can increase due to parties. This means it is important to take precautions if your little trick-or-treater is going out.

  1. Go in a Group – One of the top Halloween safety tips you should remember is to go in a group. A small group can watch each other’s backs, and parents will have an easier time supervising.
  2. Dress Brightly – One of the reasons pedestrian accidents happen so often during Halloween is the fact that drivers cannot see pedestrians. It is often dark when trick-or-treaters are out and about. So, increasing your visibility will help. Be sure your child has a costume with bright colors so drivers can see your kids. Consider using reflective tape on your child’s treat bag to further increase visibility.
  3. Check the Candy – Though rare, instances of candy tampering have happened in the past. Check your child’s candy before you allow them to consume it. If the candy wrapper has a tear, holes or discoloration, throw that piece away. Some houses have started giving out alternative treats for kids who have allergens. Check these alternative treats to make sure they are not a choking hazard.
  4. Check With Local Authorities – Just because experts say it is safe to trick-or-treat, do not take safety for granted. Try to stick to outdoor Halloween activities and avoid large crowds. You should also check with your HOA and city officials to see if there are any other guidelines in your community.

Our Houston Personal Injury Attorneys Take Your Halloween Safety Seriously

There are even more safety tips out there to help keep your trick-or-treater safe this Halloween. Use every resource at your disposal to help keep your family safe. And, if a member of your family is still injured despite your efforts, please call us for help.

Daniel D. Horowitz, III stands up for the injured and can fight to get your family fair compensation. To learn more about how we can help, call (832) 460-5181 or fill out our confidential contact form. The consultation is free, and it can help set you on the path to a proper recovery.